Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas to all Bay of Plenty Naturists

I would like to wish all BOP Naturists the very best for a happy Christmas and peaceful and healthy New Year.
I hope to see some more of you at events planned over the summer. There is something for everyone - beach days, campouts, bush walks, hot pool nights, etc. So come along and enjoy some of these events with the fantastic people who make up this very successful naturist group.
Keep an eye on your newsletters and emails for more news about the exciting events happening throughout the new year.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas at Oropi Hot Pools

Another wonderful night at the Oropi hot pools was the culmination of a successful year for BOP Naturists. Over forty people took time out from the Christmas rush to relax with a glass of wine and finger food, followed by a lovely meal in the idyllic setting. Even the weather played its part after weeks of rain to make this an unforgettable evening. Santa arrived with a sack of goodies, so that everyone went home with something.
Of course, all this would not be possible without the generosity of the members of this growing naturist group. By supporting the raffles, donating prizes for the raffles and giving cash donations, the group was able to give something back to its members, which of course is what the Christmas spirit is all about. Thanks to you all for being part of the group and supporting it so well.
Look out for more exciting events in the New Year, with the next being a weekend campout at the end of January, which will include a beach day at Papamoa and a walk up a very scenic river gorge.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

The Weather Gods were not on our side

I don't know what happened to the weather over the weekend, but someone up there certainly spoilt it for the BOP Naturists. With the forecast looking pretty wet for the whole weekend, a call was made on Friday to postpone the event until late January.
As this was to be our Christmas party, Santa was re-booked to appear at Oropi on 19 December bringing his Santa sack with him. I will be providing some wine and nibbles, which we can have before dinner, while we are soaking in the warm pools.
We will be going to Pyes Pa on 28 January and make it our base for 'A Day Without Bathing Suits' at Papamoa Beach on the Saturday. We will have a communal meal that evening at Pyes Pa and stay the night, and on Sunday 29th head inland for the walk down the river valley, which Peter tells us is extremely scenic.