Wednesday, December 12, 2012

BOP Sun Club Christmas party

BOP Naturist members are invited to attend the Bay of Plenty Sun Club's Christmas party this weekend at their club grounds near Matata.
BYO happy hour as usual before dinner then the committee are providing the meat for our Christmas meal. Just bring a salad, vege dish or dessert to share. If you wish to take part in the fun 'pressi swap', then bring a small wrapped gift (not more than $5) to join in the fun.
Normal camping and day fees apply. For more information contact me on

Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas at Oropi hot pools

Santa visiting BOP Naturist members at Oropi hot pools
It was a great night at Oropi hot pools last night where the Bay of Plenty Naturists gathered for their annual Christmas party. Forty members attended on a beautiful warm Tauranga evening. Santa arrived with his sack full of goodies and all the members went home with a small gift. Drinks and nibbles were provided poolside from funds collected over the year from raffles and donations from members. Special thanks to all those who have contributed over the year. All the proceeds go back to the members with events like this.
Robyn and Lisa were kept on their toes cooking meals for all of us so we all went home well fed and watered.

I would like to wish all members a very happy Christmas and peaceful and healthy New Year.