When I set up this
group 8 years ago, I thought it would be a small local group of naturists and
never dreamed that it would extend to over 1000 members from all over the world.
The knockers also said
when I started out, that the group would end up being top heavy with single
blokes (I call them individuals as some have partners who aren’t interested in
naturism). Well so what? Individual guys are shunned by many naturist clubs in
NZ and other countries, but they are still naturists with limited options. This
is discrimination. Individual guys in the group are some of the nicest blokes I
know and add a lot of diversity to the group. And guess what? The percentage of
individual men to couples is in similar proportions to a lot of clubs, so the
group is not top-heavy with individual blokes as some thought.
The stats for the group
as of today are as follows:
Total membership: 1014
% as couples: 75%
Overall 41% are female
and 59% male.
76% learnt about the group by word of mouth, so
thanks everyone for passing on the message.
I get many accolades
for the newsletter from members worldwide who anxiously wait for their next
newsletter. I get no moans, gripes or grizzles – just positiveness and thanks.
It is a pleasure to run this group, so thanks to you all for signing up.